Life is just like a 2 pronged fork...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I dream of Death...

Saw myself in a dream today...Dead!!!

It was early morning, just a few minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. An early SMS had woken me up, but I had drifted off to sleep, knowing too well that my trustworthy alarm piece will definitely ensure I get to office on time.

And then I saw the back of a was as if I was watching an animation film...but the blue tarpaulin, fluttering in the wind, seemed so real. The tarpaulin started to blow off something...and I saw a naked foot...the skin wasn't exactly covering it either...

As the tarpaulin blew off completely, I saw a body clothed in tattered blue jeans and a white unbuttoned shirt...blood shoes, but I could see the skin cut off in so many places...
I didn't see the face...but somehow I knew it was me!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Got slip disc!!!

Got slip disc!!!
Friends find it hard to believe. Everyone says, "Of all the people, how can you have a slip disc? You were so fit."
Slip disc doesn't have anything to do with fitness. A most dispirited sloth & a champion Olympic runner have equal chances of going down with a slip disc.
Sad but true.
And meanwhile I've been working from home; sitting in front of the laptop isn't the best thing now, but then I can't lie on my bed 24 hours. Hopefully, I'll be spared of this nasty situation by the end of the week. No bike riding, for some time, no running for atleast a month. Life's a bitch!!!
I wonder if I'll still be able to do all things I have always wanted to do - mountain climbing, rappelling, trekking, tantric sex in weird positions, spin kicks in the air...or even working out :-(