Life is just like a 2 pronged fork...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I dream of Death...

Saw myself in a dream today...Dead!!!

It was early morning, just a few minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. An early SMS had woken me up, but I had drifted off to sleep, knowing too well that my trustworthy alarm piece will definitely ensure I get to office on time.

And then I saw the back of a was as if I was watching an animation film...but the blue tarpaulin, fluttering in the wind, seemed so real. The tarpaulin started to blow off something...and I saw a naked foot...the skin wasn't exactly covering it either...

As the tarpaulin blew off completely, I saw a body clothed in tattered blue jeans and a white unbuttoned shirt...blood shoes, but I could see the skin cut off in so many places...
I didn't see the face...but somehow I knew it was me!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!


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