Over n Over again!!!
At this very moment in time, I’m listening to Secret Garden by Bruce Springsteen – for the third time in repeat mode. I have this habit of listening to a particular song over and over again, for days. Once, I listened to Boulevard of Broken Dream, in repeat mode, for 5 days continuously, pausing briefly when I slept. The guy in the neighboring room got so frustrated that he threatened to take away my speakers. My senior who used to stay in the room just above mine, had commented once that he loved the songs which I used to play in repeat mode. I bet he did; he took my entire music collection to burn into cds when he left.
People do consider this habit of mine irritating, not that it matters much (other than someone threatening bodily or monetary harm). Everyone has habits which irritates others; guess this can count as one of the irritating habits of mine, among others.
People do consider this habit of mine irritating, not that it matters much (other than someone threatening bodily or monetary harm). Everyone has habits which irritates others; guess this can count as one of the irritating habits of mine, among others.
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Anonymous, at 9:47 AM
@ crescenet - thanks!
El Cexar, at 11:08 PM
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