Life is just like a 2 pronged fork...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Field of Dreams

Watched Field of Dreams tonight. Couldn't have been a better end to this Sunday. A movie which I had copied onto my laptop & hadn't ever bothered why or even to check if it's recommended by anyone...

Guess I was destined to watch it...and watch it I did!!!

You watch so many movies, but so few actually touch you...somewhere in the posts below, I have mentioned about Good Will Hunting...this one was of the same sort...

After having watched so many movies on sports, father-son relationships, stories of passion, magical tales...I watched this one y'day...this one had everything and more...

I don't know if everyone would like the movie as much as I did...but I believe everyone should watch it once...

One of the reviews of this movie says & I quote - " If you watch this movie without crying even once, then I don't believe you"

I watched brought a smile to my face :-)


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