Life is just like a 2 pronged fork...

Monday, May 14, 2007

All I want is Everything!!!

And as I listen to the song - "Baatein Kuch Ankahi si..." from the movie - Life in a Metro, I sit down to pen my thoughts...

Watched the movie today - a movie which is a far better endeavor at modern cinema than the likes of those movies which boasts of the big stars of Bollywood. This one had a host of actors along with the ageing Dharmendra and still so beatiful Nafisa Ali...each of the characters were sketched beautifully, keeping in mind the life we live in in these times.

The story which comprised so many instances of different lives - had all the present day ingredients of the new age mind - ambition, desperation, infidelity, sympathy, loneliness, sex and friendship. The characters were just the aliases to showcase the hunger of the people living in a metro - hunger for success, companionship, sex and so many other emotions.

As one of the characters says - "You run after something which you don't possess with so much passion that you never realize, when you spoil, what you have already". A statement which is not only a fact of these times but has been passed down from generations unknown....

I would say that's what life is...the rat race - (and not a morning walk as quoted in the movie) try to achieve whatever you can in your take a gamble to win more and more...and if this means losing everything is an option - then so be it.

There are people who do take a morning walk of life...and if you look from a higher platform in life, you find that these people are the happiest. They love what they have and that gives them contentment in life...

It takes courage and much more strentgh to live like find happiness in the smaller things in life and forego the desire for riches...

I wonder, if I can ever live like that...but till then, I'll be running the race...
All I everything!!!


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