Life is just like a 2 pronged fork...

Monday, December 24, 2007

My celebrity look-alikes

Brothers for Life!!!

Recently I had been to a few friend's wedding in small town Northern India. One particular wedding was in Saharanpur - one of my closest friends from my engg. days. Quite a few of my college gang were there...some with their spouses. It was just like going back to those old days - days where we used to while-around the entire day without a care in the world, when sitting with each other and talking about anything under the sun, getting drunk every day of the week or playing cricket, TT (or pretending to play Basketball, tennis etc.) was like having the best time of your life...but only because we were all together.
I remember, immediately after we had finished college and each of us were at home - my then girlfriend had asked me whether I missed her or not. With utmost sinceretyI had told her, "not as much as I miss my gang". Ramifications of that was a few days of consoling and cajolling here, but my response was a fact - a hard fact for her. I had never missed anyone as much as I missed my friends then.
I have come through a lot of years and have made a lot of very good friends...but anyone who has stayed in an engg. college hostel for four years will vouch for me when I say that those days of friendship was something else. Those friends were, and still are, not just friends - but brothers. Brothers for life.